The London Academy of Trading Website Redesign
As a Marketing Director for The London Academy of Trading (LAT), I spearheaded the redesign and redevelopment of the LAT Website. The website was using a WordPress Content Management System, that was very out of date and was not fit for purpose for our Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) projects.
In 2020, it was my mission to create a website that looked modern and was also very user friendly. I led the whole project – working very closely with my team of marketers as well as designers and back-end and front-end developers. The idea was to redesign the site, as well as strengthen the back-end using a better Content Management System: Umbraco.
The objectives of the project were:
- Improve our website conversion rate (visits to leads)
- Increase our organic leads
- Improve the website’s user experience
Before the LAT Website was updated
Issues with the website in 2019:
- Built on WordPress and had a lot of SEO legacy issues
- We were very limited in terms of design changes, as the web pages needed to follow the featured template in WordPress
- The loading speed of the site was very slow – due to legacy issues in the back-end (outdated CMS)
After the LAT Website was updated
Results with the website redesign in 2020:
- Increased of website speed on both desktop and mobile
- User-friendly design, using the whole width of the screens and responsive for desktop, mobile and tablet
- Increase of conversion rates by 40% after the first week of launching